About Us…

Welcome to our blog!!  FF and I (WW) will be your hosts as you take a look into our perceived view in the world of books. We read almost anything we can get our hands on, mostly free- don’t judge. We take great pleasure in analyzing and evaluating each book and the underlining message that is associated with each character and event within in the book. HAHA…uh yeah no…. Basically it is, “WTF?!?”  “Gosh, they are so stupid not to see that” “What JUST happened?!”  and mostly “Gosh he is so hot”  “Wonder how that works in real life?” or “Claimed!!!!” which usually comes from me since I have about 200 book boyfriends, again, don’t judge.  So sit back, strap yourself in and mosey along. We will try to blog about once a week, but you know how life gets in the way, so just stay tuned! 🙂