NEW! A Hard Day for a Hangover (Sunshine Vicram #3) – Darynda Jones

Publication date: December 6th, 2022

Cover blurb: Some people greet the day with open arms. Sheriff Sunshine Vicram would rather give it a hearty shove and get back into bed, because there’s just too much going on right now. There’s a series of women going missing, and Sunny feels powerless to stop it. There’s her persistent and awesomely-rebellious daughter Auri, who’s out to singlehandedly become Del Sol’s youngest and fiercest investigator. And then there’s drama with Levi Ravinder—the guy she’s loved and lusted after for years. The guy who might just be her one and only. The guy who comes from a family of disingenuous vipers looking to oust him—and Sunshine—for good.

Like we said, the new day can take a hike.


For the final installment in the Sunshine Vicram trilogy Darynda has pulled out all the stops to make this an unforgettable finale! There is a lot of her signature humor (Doug the flasher returns!) but in this final book it is outweighed by mystery and suspense, with a side of romance. This is a series that must be read in order to fully grasp the various plotlines because there is a LOT going on!

Sun remains the heart of the book, but I do have to admit I would have liked to see a lot more of Levi than we do. As the central couple I really wanted to see more of them together, but the focus in this book is the mystery behind a grievously wounded girl and others that are missing and possibly murdered. As the chief of the Del Sol Police Department, Sun must scramble to put all the pieces together before it is too late.

Sun’s daughter Auri once again decides to get involved in investigating the girls with her friend Sybil’s help. Now we as the readers know this is not the best idea after the events in book 2, but Auri is determined to be like her mom! The stakes are even higher this time however, as her investigation puts both her and her grandfather in danger.

I will miss the denizens of Del Sol, so I’m really hoping there will be a spinoff at some point based on other characters and relationships. Auri/Cruz, Quincy/Hailey and Rojas/Zee especially but heck even Quincy/Randi would make for a killer read!

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley for the chance to read this early, all opinions are my own.